We welcome your feedback
All Abilities Therapy welcomes feedback – both positive and negative. We are committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using our services or affected by our operations have the right to provide us with feedback or lodge a complaint and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access and equity, fairness, accountability and transparency.
All Abilities issues a client feedback survey once per year. This is made available to all current clients via email as well as being made available on our social media platforms.
All Abilities encourages feedback throughout the year and can be done via our Compliments and Complaints Form, via email to, via phone on (02) 4731 3469 or to any members of our team.

We will ensure your concern is fully investigated
When you raise a concern with us, we will keep you informed of its progress every step of the way. We will document your concern and confirm all relevant details with you. At All Abilities we will take the following steps to ensure your concern is fully investigated:
- Clinicians or administration will raise the concern with the directors within 2 business days for investigation.
- The directors will confirm with you when your concern has been received and clarify the nature of the concern.
- The directors aim to have your concern resolved within 5 business days, and will contact you if this timeframe cannot be met. We intend to provide you with information about how we will resolve your concern and further options should you wish to appeal if you do not agree with how we have managed your concern.
All Abilities aim to provide quality service to all clients and/or their family. We encourage you to let us know if you have concerns so that we can work with you to resolve them. If you have serious concerns that we are unable to resolve for you, we support your right to contact our governing bodies as listed.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA)
For Psychology and Occupational Therapy only.
Call them on 1300 419 495
Or visit the website.
Speech Pathology Australia (SPA)
For Speech Pathology only
Visit the website.
National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission
For NDIS participants
Call them on 1800 035 544
Or visit the website.